xD, If I have the Johnny I know on my team then I think we have a good shot.
Johnny...that name makes me laugh out loud.
Washington state I would pressume.
You didn't grow up where I grew up.
How about then Cowboys?
Duh.....it is all over the interwebz. I still found the movie a dissappointment.
So you are going to argue with me about something JJ Abrams has confrimed already.. But besides that there were plotholes everywhere.
No, it isn't. JJ Abrams has said on MANY accounts that the monster has been living in the ocean for thousands of years and is still only a baby.
Not really, now my younger she is insane, intense, and just bad. But really.......a thousand year old fish monster baby......that bared a striking ressemblance to the Chimeras in Resistance fall of man.
I was dissappointed by the moster.
I saw Cloverfield as well.
*hugglez* I only kidd cause I lobe.
Of course.....how silly of me....
.......... really...... tsk tsk.....
Who phails and why???....
Jello Jello people.
Hmm, I can't believe half the month is already gone.
Nah, they are called naps for a reason.
Well I haven't slept in........ I don't think it very healthy to forget the last time you have actually slept.....
@Kika-I'm doing well. Just tired and all. @burnitup-We'll see I guess.