That's what she said.
My real name is L Lawliet, booooooo. Not really if you can still make me look stupid. I only know a Montel Williams.
Other L.....wait so Near or should I say Nate river is dead??????? Be a better drunk, that is a lesson for the little kids out there in the big world. No missy.........she planned it.
I AM next america's top dance crew~
An elipsis when you can think of something to say, you know like Beer drinkers to after slamming to many down.
Or so it would seem...... jajajajajaja *chockes* Damn boom mics.
Cause it is....ummmm......well if you multiple the common variable......then........ *BEEP* Touche, you win this round.
Don't forget to DRINK IT DOWN! Hey, I like my total creep car that I have parked perfectly across this one kids house. >.>
Ummmm if I say yes will you get me candy in a basket? Oh have a Nyappy day! cherry saku yuuki!!
Well I don't have that at the order something else off of our horrible menu of doom and FUN.
Well I can give you green tea with a hint of not zest. But EBIL
Nothing like light conversation to start the night...........ummmmm.... Tea anyone?
Hello, people of Cyrodille.
1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10! Augen auf ich komme, Aufgepasst ich komme! Zeig dich nicht!
"normal" good question....I have more fun being a sociopath........*sheeh dark passenger* Gary fing Oak.......sounds like a really gay subdivison.
Yes, I'm really a sociopath just tricking people into thinking I'm "normal". Moofin man...the one who lives on druey lane?
Oomph!-Augen AuF
Me too.......but I don't get caught. Everyone knew about Cookie monster, he was on celebertie rehab.
The Kraken is a crack head?
My Dark Passenger likes to stalk me....then again....he tells me to do bad things...... >.> Stop looking at me.