First step is admitting you have a problem.
Her name is on the front page I believe.
NO little missy we talked about this, we only watch people get their heads ripped off when WE don't get payed to do so!~
Well you suck it up for art sake.....and a nice big pay check.
NO correction the only drunk four year old I'm talking about is chuu!~
*hugglez* Yeah, cause I never judge you. *slowly judges when I think your aren't look*
If it makes you feel any better you are my FAVORITE drunk four year old!~
*sigh* It is like talking to a drunk baby. JK xD~
Well then it is even eaiser for you DUH!~
No what you should do is combined all the languages you can speak and just randomly say them all in a sentece. Like one word be german the next be japanese ect ect.
Yo just make sure you follow the rules and have a good time. For someone who speaks italian your english wasn't that bad. Welcome again!~
It is just cause I like people to think I'm cussing them out in another language when more than likely I'm just being my usual random comment self.
Perphaps, or maybe I just love to scream in german.
Augen auf ich komme Aufgepasst ich komme! Zeig dich nicht! Better?~
Ready or not here I come~
I love to watch unsubbed anime.
I'm going to say Nyappy~
*Shivers* Is it really cold, cause that was cold.
I know where it is from I just hate adverbs.
Only mostly dead......... Mostly and adverb.....i think.