It sounds like I missed........... *drum roll* Nada..... damn!~
The whole broken neck thing is going to be a problem, I sense.
What have I missed?~
We should have it me shipping up to boston~dropkick murpheys
We discussing new theme songs again?~
My Darkest Cave~Oomph!
The iroinly of a blues song cheering me up.~ Some has a lot going on in their head?~
Must we hide from EVERYONE!~
Yo man hows it going?~
A new member I see.
It is an Xbox game that was meant to be a trilogy but I think cause it was presived well it stopped after the first one. The main characters name was Gideon and he got like some special powers and you had to kill aliens.
I'm mad now...... I thought we had a deeper connection than that.........I thought you could be my rock of love..... *sniffle*
Just beat Xigibar and Xemnas *first fight* and you can do everything that the above post have made. that like the newer version of cheesing?~
I was just testing chuu.~
But.....Te amo mi amor!~
Damn filters.~
Oh no now go, walk out the door!~
I should have changed that stupid lock. I should have made you leave the keys, if I had just know for one second you be back to bother me!~