What's up sweet cakes!~
I actually like fish....well some....in a sense.
I call them U.S.O's
The fishies.... eat things.
Damn salem!~
I wasn't aware this was a witch hunt?
Nicely put my young apprentice.
*shiffty eyes* I don't promote underage drinking...... >.>
Touche, now I'm going to go into my pit of shame with a bottle.
Well now that puts a damber in my night.
18 why?~ I seem youger don't I.
That slightly turned me on >.>
Well aren't we just a tunnel of knowledge today xD~
For me it is hands....not my specialty.
Of course they aren't edible, but like that stopped us *MWUHAHAHAH* What are you trying to draw?~
But my twin Julio *no joke* leaves in brazil.....and we don't get along. I know the sparkles....sparkles.
I can shoot things out of my hands.....it is just that most of what comes out is illegal in 49 states. I know, so stop peeking at it!~
Okays you really need to stop reading out of my hello kitty diary.
Gus Aitoro but....close.
My pants and you pillow should hook up. Maybe they can make a blanket.