hey imma bout to restart meh computer, k? HI KGLORY MEH BRO!!!
on MSN...that guy, he was stalking u, ur not on windows IM XD
ummm im okay
i wish i could find a christian girl my age, youre lucky u can find someone kglory.-.- stalker again?
hi everyone that just came on.or in other words...'ELLO MEH PEEPS!!!!!
*cries harder* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TTTTT.TTTTT *dies of sorrow*
O.O w-what?!?!?*cries hysterically and uncontrollably* T.T
my dragon,mawredd,well, shes a lot like saphira. tell them, if any of them try to hurt you, i will tear them limb from limb. ummm okay *repeats* thank you you're welcome, mawredd
get shonen jump and youll have more than 10 in about a month XD
i like kingdom hearts:CoM and naruto and bleach and FMA and (yeah, im a manga freak) prince of tennis and...kingdom hearts and i cant wait for kh2!*squeel!!*
*stabs kadaj and makes him fade into the lifestream* th-thanx, mawredd. you're welcome, little one
*loox at sig* i want a wolf!!! XD
summons mawredd (my dragon) brisingr!!!!adurna!!!!!kirvistird!!!!!!!oh, weiss heill ^.^ im back!!!now, mawredd,tear the dumb as* limb from limb!!! yes, little one, i will go thank u, mawredd SCARBLAKASVEN!! WE ARE ONE!!
O.O *goes guardian* YOU ARE DEAD!!!!*throws keyblade at sephiroth then yells magicUFEL!!!DYFRU!!!
WEISS HEILL!*heals clouds arm* ha! thanks Sora, *charges with omnislash at sephiroth* DIEE!!!
WTF?! OW!!!
*uses Omnislash then silently walks off* yeah...hes gone...>< i wanted his autograph!!!><(im acting like a stupid fan-girl, arent i?) does anyone have firefox?
*cloud walks in* and im thinking about killing you!*goes after yazoo and loz* DIE!!!!