y-y-y-y-y-y--y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-you PLAY-PLAY t-tEnNiS?!O.O I WANNA LEARN!!!!!!is there such thing as a "kick serve"?if so, i think i kinda' know it, u jump up when u serve and u hit the ball towards the opponents' body, which is hardest to get to, either they get hit, find a way to hit it, or they'll have enough reaction unflinchingly to move out of the way...right?
im okay....
HI PEOPLES!!!!^^ hows everyone?!*glomps no-no* how r ya?
ya welcome, anyone else wants one?
heads up, both of u,*throws cookies at both of your heads*
my cookies!!*steals*
i am ignored...TT.TT *goes to emo corner*
IM iC, The Quiet Artist. pleased...um...hi.(i am half-emo)
what up iPraise?!
hi..................>< the org. misfts suck!>< they dont let anyone else in their stupid family!(no offense if youre in it)
dont worry, i wont forget u guys, ill come back to you guys, i promise
ILL BE BACK!!! im good.
i have *counts* 3 more after this one, but ill be gone for about 2 weeks then 2 more weeks in Ohio then New york maybe
Hello Peoples!!!^.^
hi peoples.
i found out WHY she did though!!!she wanted to be cool too and if she kept with me, shed be isolated...Y.Y
THAT was directed to u >.> *punches Roxas* im recovering my heart...AGAIN from F_A dumping me.
i dont know, with the brea- that was directed to khchick, idiot. I KNEW THAT!!!
HI JAZZ!!!!^^*hugz* what up?!