*cries harder and harder every second* NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *sits in darkest corner in castle and puts knife to self*><
Hi Khchick!!!!!!!!!!^^
V.V i edited it...SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOK AT MEH SIGGEH *points to iPraise* SEE?!
^^ what kind of AMVs?
IM SO Freak***(edit)IN GOOD!!!!!!!(just watched sum south park)
Hi Peoples!!! I MADE DAT SIGGEH!!!!!!!!!
that was a quick dinner...
hey, khchick, can u gimme a tut on how u would do a cool avi or sig? that would be so AWESOME!!! oh, hi peoples...(ish sad cuz of people making fun of my finger.)
hi peoples...
hi peoples!!!
hi, but i have to go, bye
OW!!!*cries* that hurt!u shot me in a pressure point!
no-no!truce?and a paintball gun?XD
thankies, no-no
i have...an hour and 8-no 7 mins.
*notices muskratz* ..... AHHH!!!!*destroys and keeps on until they're finally gone*whew...
*sees them getting up, mahogany red and i finally put a glove on then they fall back down* im such a dumb as*.... hey, no-no, u gonna get on MSN or do u have to leave soon?
please do... im getting there
im okay, could be better, i got laughed at because of the "u know what" AGAIN. HEY KHCHICK!!!