hi everyone who just came on!!!
umm...its a thing where u actually talk (pc to pc) online w/ friends
this is SO annoying!!!im trying to download skype and it JUST WONT WORK!!!
im good whatcha doin?
hey forsaken, how r ya? EDIT:im good, you?
oh wow, that sux XD at least we have each other!
im good, hows everyone else? EDIT:is anyone else here?
hi peoples!!!! hows everyone?
but you know.... i....................... scrollllllllllllll................................... like.......................... keep goin............ seriously this is REALLY important.................... .....................................................a few more CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XD
i wasnt thinking at the time, sorry XD
hey rachel
ehh you already know me...hey ienzo Im the quiet artist XDjust call me SL...even though i HATE!!HATE!!it
yeah, im sure a good bit of emos will be visiting this XD no-offense
NO YOU DON'T!*gets off of sephy's sword and comes to block blows that come on kglory* u owe me -.-
can u please look at this? PLEASE? http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=11041
Sorrow for hisnoboy By:Sora Lexa your heart is heavy the shckles are tight the pain of sorrow comes straight through your heart your heart is binded by the chains inside being clutched and killed by the feelings inside you feeling the words pass through you being destroyed from the inside out the words killing u finding just the right point your mind hurts your hurt feelings your sorrowful heart END how was it?
ur leavin?