Naw dude. Privates gotta be covered. If she just had regular bathingsuit bikini bottoms it'd be okay. But that's.. |: String.
Omfg Cam your sig breaks the rules.
I can write better in paint than that.
Oh god. <3 IRC. RIP. I wish it was around again.
:v You actually remember that shenanigan?
I have 1 song by them lol. ._. Yes, I figured that out when I wiki'd Harry Potter.
Useless indeed.
^ ._. I like the quote in your sig.. ._. I almost never like the quotes in peoples sigs.
O_O *wikis* :/gasp: Omg it's trrruuuuue.
Nah I'll ask for a laptop. C:
That's terrible. |:
lol wtf
awww <: <33
... Eh, I'll take it. <:
D: You got me that last year.
;_; Can someone please tell me what happened to him?
Rite .-.
._. Oh I know what I can ask for. A laptop. C:
:3 Aw thanks. @ワンダ: x.x
MARK.ROLF. XXDD I'll always remember the soap edit: .-. @requiem.