i think He has one because He will have a hard time remembering all the things that happened throughout history and every person is a byte in his computer
i found it at the "hello and welcome (to me)" thread by nicklamda
lolz! Happy 2nd B-day Roxas!
woo hoo, i'm the first! and don't worry i won't tell a soul! i have my ways of finding out infos about people! O_O
people who are jerks! they have nothing else to do!
you are a slick girl, SC and dunt worry twi will never know ure here! u know unless u said it to him
omg! its twi's girlfriend! y didn't u use ure username at WB, caitlin?
hey there khninja! welcome to khv! post a lot, read the ruls, spam a little and most of all, have fun! PM me if you have any questions, kay?
aww, its sooo cute! i wanna hug him!
ooh, ure sooooo cute! the first pic ish cute!
please post ur piccy, Rouge!
(ooc: okay, ure in! and what ish wrong rping the opposite sex? many membies do it)
what if roxas has a crush on axel? O.o yaoi!
yoshies, new membie! Welcome to KHV!
i love the first season of pokemon!!! it sucked when they were making new episodes
(ooc: u can join as kairi, cff)
hey there! welcome to khv! read the rules, post a lot, spam a little and most of all, have fun!
hey, can i join as hikari?
lvl 83 at beginner (don't ask) lvl 55 at standard
2285- I don't have a license yet! XD SO, you'll drive!