ROFL, wait, why is DS invisible??!?!?! being invisible is totally pointless
maybe, as long as there will be no flames or such cursing, right?
I read the rules too but there is still fear of losing it if the flame war ever happens again!
Since the spam zone is now open, is it okay to post there?
i'm definitely up for subtitles. the dubs sucks!
!!!!!!! no double posting! i'd like to join as Elieen, please!
wow! FFXIII looks so promising to play!
i like both cats and dogs but i do looooooooove cats!
(ooc: namine is unconscious DR needs to take her in the hospital)
okay, cloudfinalfantasy you are in!
to mee, Yu-Gi-Oh has the worst english dub
you're welcome!
omg! that is sooooooooooo COOL!
no we don't, twi! ure just slow! XD
hmmm.....good point! XD is he busy or something?
woo hoo! we ish luv! twi doesn't luf u?
as a friend, i luv u SC! i've read ure posts at twi's forum!
you should divorce to rufus, twi
oooooooooohhhhhhh! women abuse ish a big no-no!
aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i'm sorry SC, twi ish seeemingly a bored stalker!