Those Nights ~ Skillet
Yeah, I found it. ^^
Oh, you did? I'll have to request something, now. 8D *goes to search*
Nothing much. What's up with you?
Yeah. Yeah, they shot it.
Actually, we are doing a lot better ever since Mark told her. We've gotten closer, for some reason. Still not going to tell her any personal...
Yeah, exactly. =/ Thank you. X3 We worked together, okay? I know. ;D Well it's good that they were easy, but I'm not so sure about the panther...
I was experiencing that a lot, actually. No idea why I was sad or anything. Still have no clue why. xD It was fine; went by really slow. But...
You want to talk about it? I'm all right. Praying I don't have school tomorrow, which I probably will have school.
Everything okay?
Yeah. asdfghjk
Finally finished that thing for my friend. lol
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Boop Boop Boop
Yup yup....
I dun like quiznos.
O_o meanie.
Yes. I agree with that statement.
Couldn't agree with you more.
Same here, actually.