Pretty good. I'm definitely getting a lead in this years play, which is good. Oh, and yesterday I found out my average in math is a 96. That's 22...
Neither! D: I WANT TO LIVE!!!
No, I haven't. What's it about?
But...I can't breathe! D:
But I never imagined dying by getting hit by a car...or me hitting a car parked on the street.
Yeah, basically. It's these kind of days that I'm happy I don't have my license yet. =D
No, we had a snow day...but it should be called an ice day since we had ice and not snow.
All we got ice, so it should be called an ice day. The roads were awful this morning.
Not really, you? I had a snow day today, so that's why I'm on at this time. xD
I've been doing well. Eh, school is school. I'm doing well, but I'm not enjoying it. xD I'm just glad drama starts soon. How's school for you?
Hey! We haven't talked in a while. How have you been?
lol I had no school today. 8D I don't get nervous in front of people.
I intend to. Mark and I are going to goof off for the rest of the week. lol It was fun, and no, I wasn't nervous.
Yup. I'm bored.
No, I have school until this Friday. That stinks. Oh, I sang for my church last night. Apparently I'm really good. lol
Hope it gets better. It was all right. Yours?
I'm good. How are you?
Hello. 8Dhello
I'm giving it to him Sunday, though
I should probably wrap up his present...