LOOOOOL XDD I guess I'm the only Portuguese here! XD WE ROCK!!!! :D
"Thanks Larxene!" *Sees that they're running very slow* "I don't think this is helping much...Do you now what I say? CHANGE POSITIONS!!" *grabs Larxene and Starts to run a bit more fast*
Uhhhhh...Showers of cookie dough icecream...and purple rain!! I like purple...and rain...XDD
"OOOOHHHH CRAP!!!!" *starts to run* "Wait! What am I doing? I'm fox!! YEAH!! I'M A PROUD FOX!!! *scythe appears in his mouth* "Uh...heavy..."
WHAT?!! You nearly got stolen from us CtR?!! I think you couldn't leave us! Could you?:) No! you wouldn't leave us!! WE LOVE YOU!!!! xDD Anyways...who tried to steal you?
*looks at Saïx who's hitting his head repeatedly against the wall* "Er....I think you should stop that Saïx or else your head is...going to break or something...." *walks over to him* "We're almost out...C'mon! You don't need to be like that! Just calm down...and stop hitting your head aginst the wall..."
*Is walking on the hall* "Who do they think they are to give me orders huh? I'm superior than them! I am the lord of castle oblivion!!" *stops a bit and thinks* "That's it I'm not going to find a cure! That's Vexen's work!! He's the one who has to find the cure so...whatever!! If they try to eat me I'll show them how a fox fights!! *makes some kung fu moves* (OOC: poor Marly...He's talking to himself...XDD)
Competition? o_O OMG!!! XDD
OMG!!! So many posts CtR!!! 655!!! OMG!! XDDDD
OMG!!! we got so many posts on this thread!!! Our familly rocks for sure!!!! I love you all guys!!! We're the best!!! XDDDD
YAY!!! 55 posts for me! 56 with this one...:D
Hi and welcome to kh-vids.net!!! Don't forget to follow the rules! xD Hope you have fun while you're here!!:)
Everything burns...in your pants...XDDDD
HI!! What's up my familly? I know you've been all speaking different languages...sounds cool! :D
"OK! OK!! I'M OUT!!!" *runs*
Oh!! It looks hard to beat!
Darkwing Duck? When I was little, I was used to watch it everyday on the TV! I think that would be nice :)
"Yeah...right...But I don't love anyone...yet..."
This Ain't A Scene It's An Arms Race in your pants Interesting....NO COMMENTS!!! XDD
Hiiii!!!! What's up guys? :)