Sora 13 Its Not Bethovan Or Momma Cass [not emo anymore]
Unholy by Kiss
nope. since when does ratt start with a K?
I like rock, metal, country'n' western and JPOP. NOT child molesting music. ITS NOT BETHOVEN
-_______________________________- CLUE: The band name starts with a "K"
Move up to 70's/80's
Nope. I was listening to them yesterday (Enter Sandman FTW) but its alot closer.
nnnnnnnnnnnope. ... >____________________> NO.
[marquee] Too Old! [/marquee]
... No -___- Ok. another clue: TECHNICALLY The band is Heavy Metal/ Glam Rock/ Soft Rock
no. By old I mean... 20+ years.
: D
nope .
Who the hell..?
no-one can guess what song I'm listening to. Clue: its liek old. Clue: My middle names are the name of ONE of the lead singers of the band (whowas originally called stanley yokovitz but changed it) Clue: the band has had over 7 members over the yearz
fixed .
There is a house in West Philadelphia born and raised on the playground is where I spent most of my days chillin out maxin relaix all cool just shootin some b-ball outside of the school when a couple of guy who were up to no good started making trouble in my neighborhood I got in one little fight and [end of fresh prince] my father took me to the city to see a marching band [ end of MCR] and he said play me the best song in the world or I'll eat your soul so me and Kyle we looked at each other and we both said [End of Tenacious D] alright. alright. alright. Bigotry has never been exclusively white. If we all could just admit that we're racist just a little bit even though we know that it's wrong. Maybe it could help us get along. [End of racist thing..?]
Fresh prince of Belair then Tenacious D - Tribute then... I dunno what.
RISK uses soft kick. Soft kick backfired RISK lost 1hp and it liek opened a warphole into the sonny game. And liek RISK died.