lololol I have a south yorkshire accent... *tilts head*
OMG OMG OMG this is the best.... almost best day of my life *dances while sitting down* ... ow...
I like beans.
Oh but they can't, only by each other XD
I lived in Scotland. There'd be no anti-scottish peoplez there. *thinkis of his one visit to see his family in glasgow*
^lazy < ............................................... No social life... Spends all day sat down (so no, not lazy =P) V You had thisd dream where you were a panda, holding a stick trying to climb this tree but kept falling, therefore you think you are spiderman, therefore you are gay
These two ****heads pretended to be my friend and i hung out with them all the time. Now they follow me around trying (anbd failing horribly) to offend me. The only thing that bothers me about thhem is that they're always anti-scottish it's unbearable. They think its funny that I wor a kilt for gods sakes :/
I guess. But it'd suck because me and my group dont really hang out much more. Stuff happened and I sort got dragged out. but I still have zak. I've sorta ended up at the bottom of the school chain... only above bird-boy.
I used to be bi. And half the school was like "Bi person! Must beat up!" My bf got the same.
For bing Gay. 'Cos thats already happened. It was like half the school. And then this guy on the bus. I'm not anymore though. I will do anything one one condition. everyone here must admit that. Obituray> TBM>Metallica>Evanescence>Slipknot>Kiss>AC/DC>Aerosmith.
^ Ish a thief! Thou shalt be locked up for umpteen weeks. < AAAAAGH *Hides* V wonders why I scared myself.
... lol. (me >_>)
I was bored *shrugs* I didnt expect him to burst out like that I just expected to have a neverending argument about hair.
thread ages ago.
:mellow: ---------------> :crybaby:
I R T3h Pwnzor? I feel so loved T-T *crams cake in mouth* My side hurts.
... *stabs* And I was kinda too busy being smashed on the floor jumped on and kicked in the ribs to fight back. so........... Who wants cake?
^ Knows my secrets < *shifty eyes* V It was You!
me: *walks up to person 1* I have longer hair than you and I headbang better *laughs* Person 1: I'll f%&!ing kill ya *beats me up*
^ Flying ninja monkeys < Gave up trying to find this thread to revive it aaaaaaaaaaages ago. V Potty trained Pyjamas (I'm not sad no more I'm hyper now, which is why I come out with stupid things and/or spam floods :3)