Lync looked at him. "Tell you the truth, I never thought about Cyber World or anything like that until a month ago."
Zexion looked Luxord and laughed, "That is okay. My sneezes are dangerous t-" He was cut off by Laxrene who started to scream at him. Zexion was taken aback, "I-I d-didn't mean i-it like t-that! I-" One of the books was ashes. Zexion groaned. Vexen is going to kill him...
A hat? For his ea- "Oh yeah, my ears. I would take the hat. Thanks." Lync walked on for a bit, "What do we do next? I mean, we have supplies, but I don't think we have enough people to take on the MCP. This is a problem since we can't go, Now Hiring! Fight the power! We would be caught in a heartbeat."
OOC: Sorry, I went out to dinner with my famile, but I am back! BIC: Lync stared at the backpack with interest, but then realized they had to go, so he started to walk out of there hiding place and blend in with the other people. "That is a neat invention you made. You could have a job at were I work," Lync just remembered, "or, that is, if we weren't trapped in Cyber World."
Zexion looked away from the closet. "You have it too, Luxord? We are trying to find a cure, but so far nothing has turned up." He heard Laxrene scream, "No we haven't found a cure, yet. Maybe if you come and help...."
Philippe was furious. He trusted Ceri and the others! He even tried helping her! What a thanks I get! Philippe went down the stairs and over by the main door. Philippe went right out the door, missing the note placed there. He had his dagger out, but he knew he was vunerable to mental attacks. I know when I am not welcome! I can't believe Ceri tried to kill me! Philippe remembered about the slippery mud when his feet went up and he was on his back. He was so mad that he let out a burst of energy and made most of the mud solid, which was dumb since now he was stuck. Philippe ripped his cloak off and got up. He left his ruined cloak lying stuck in the now solid mud and started to walk away. As he was walking, he looked up at the sky. It will be dawn soon. Then I can use my bow again. He turned to look at the castle. I don't need them. Kyle, who invented Cloudroth and 'forgot' to tell Philippe about it. Ceri, who tried to kill him. What about the others? Jane and Natalie. He survived without them before, he can do it again. Philippe started to walk again. "I will kill Cloudroth by myself," Philippe said, but then realized his deal with that other demon. What was his name again? It doesn't matter as long as he remembered what he vowed. Philippe reached to pull up his hood, but remembered he left his cloak stuck in the solid mud. "First, I have to get a new cloak."
"Hey you said you needed help! I got you out of your room! What is wrong with you?" Philippe's eyes grew cold, "I trusted you!" He pulled out his dagger, but knowing the dagger would do no good, he ran down the hallway and disappeared around the corner. OOC: sorry, I'm going out to dinner with the family. I have to go, but I will be back on later.
Bye! See ya later CtR!
"No Ceri is stuck in her room. I am going to get her out." Philippe touched the door. He the energy form in him, then move to his hands. The door turned to liquid and splattered onto the floor, getting his boots dirtier than his cloak. "Oops. I didn't mean to do that to the whole door."
hehe, fun! Name: Katie Age: pretty young, 14 Height: short Description : blue/green eyes, wavy brown hair (I hate my hair!), short Location: somewhere in Canada
Philippe was wandering around, trying to find his room or Kyle, when he heard Ceri banging on the door. He tried to open it. It was locked. "I think you locked it," He yelled through the door.
How do you know for sure it is not real? What if we are just another world? lol, ya right. Still.....
Where am I? Philippe sat up and looked around. Just another spare bedroom. Philippe went out of the room, into the hallway. Where am I? Philippe went down one hallway and turned and went down another one. Stupid big castle.... Philippe rounded another corner and saw the stairway. I am not lost! Wait, which room is mine? Philippe decided to go look for Kyle and ask him, but he had no idea where Kyle might be.
Some walk this turned out to be. I am going back inside before I slip again. Philippe was now in a worse mood than before he went outside. He got to the door and went inside. He was so mad that he didn't take off his cloak and kept his hood up. He was so mad that he went to his room, forgetting he was covered in mud, leaving a trail of footprints all the way up the stairs. He was so mad that he plopped down on the bed and- "This isn't my room!"
Philippe walked across the field, but slipped, covering himself in mud. Just great. It is muddier than I thought. He tried to get up, but slipped again, this time landing his face in the mud. "I hate my life," He muttered.
lol, I totally agree with you.
It was night, but Philippe couldn't sleep anymore. He decided to wander around the castle. When he went out the door, though, the air here seemed thick. Maybe a walk would calm him down. After all, it stopped raining. Philippe went downstairs to the coat closet. He took out his cloak and gloves. They weren't completely dry, but Philippe put them on anyways. He put up the hood, which came over and hid his face. He went out the door, into the night.
I'm good. Not very much is happening, though.
"Okay," Lync said. He went back looking around. Nobody looked suspicious, but sometimes you can't tell. He had learned that the hard way on the job.
Hiya, everybody! What's up? :)