OOC: hiya, I'm back! BIC: Zexion scowled as he shut the closet's doors. "Nothing in here. Maybe there will be something in the cupboards below the table."
"Okay. See ya," Lync said. Wow we are nearly the same age, but he is much more experienced than I am. Lync walked down into the residential area. He saw all the poor housing. How can these people live like this? It is because they have no choice. Lync felt sad for them. Well, at least they have each other. Lync circled around and found that he was lost. Oh well, I will find my way out eventually. He laughed.
He heard Ceri and ignored her. I will not trust her again. I will kill Clouroth. Philippe's stomach growled again. Right after I eat. He only had some money left in that guy's wallet so he bought a a loaf of bread and a container of water. After he was done eating, he decided he should rest. He needed all his energy to take on Cloudroth. Philippe went into a hotel, but bumped into someone on the way in. "Sorry, I didn't see you," Philippe said. The man kept looking at Philippe as he said this. Philippe turned around and walked to the desk. He could feel the man's eyes on him as he walked. What does he want? Philippe turned around and the man was over by the phone. Odd. Philippe payed the hotel clerk the money he stole from a woman on the street and got a room key. He went upstairs to his room and fell onto the bed. Philippe was asleep in moments. ----- The man watched the the young, black cloaked man make his way up the stairs of the hotel from by the phones. When he was gone, the man picked up the phone and dialed the police station. "Hello? This is Officer Lerroy. Yes, I know it is my day off, but I think I found someone you would be interested in," He paused, "His name is Philippe Devione and he used to be in the gang called the Hooded Demons." He paused again. "That is the one! Wow, he has $100 00 on his head? I might be promoted for this! Okay, bye." Lerroy hung up the phone and went over to the desk. "Do you know the person who just signed in? Yes his name is Philippe Devione......"
Zexion smiled, "Though, I do like caramel," Zexion paused, "By the way watch out for Saix. He is a little sugar high."
Lync frowned, "Thought so. Even though my dad totally ignores me and there is never anything in the fridge, we are not poor." Then he brightened up again, "I have never been camping before, nor have I ever slept in a tent. This should be an interesting experience."
Philippe was walking down a dirt road when his stomach growled. Oops, I forgot to eat. I better stop at the next village. It wasn't a village, though. It was a city. Philippe usually avoided cities, but he didn't know how long it would take him to get to the next village. Stupid demons. He would not be hungry if he was able to eat at the town he had stopped in, but demons had to come and destroy it. He couldn't stop them because of his alliance with Darkeon. Philippe sighed and walked into the city.
OCC: hiya, again! BIC: Lync smiled, "Do you know any good places to stay at, or will we be sleeping on the ground?"
Well that was interesting...Philippe watched the two from a distance away. Draklor was against Clouroth too, but that small demon child seemed to worship Cloudroth. Does this mean that I also have an alliance with Draklor because of Darkeon? Philippe looked around. They sure like to destroy things. At least he got a new cloak and boots before the town was destroyed. He sighed and pulled his hood over, hiding his face. He went over to the pile of rubble that used to be the clothing shop and dropped some money onto it. "Sorry I forgot to pay, but here is the money," Philippe said then walked away.
"Only the ones I purposely make. The copies that appear when I sneeze are ones I can't control or get rid of them, unless I sneeze again." OOC: sorry have to go to bed. Bye :)
"Woah, feeling a little dizzy...Hey! How did your hair grow back?" Zexion paused. "Uh, never mind. I don't want to know." Suddenly he sneezed and a copy of himself stood beside Luxord. The copy smiled evily at Luxord and swung his fist at Luxord's head.
OOC: bye! BIC: Lync thought for a moment, "What if deleted a monuement that gave people hope, or something like that? Maybe....we could make one, show it off, and get the people rallied up. That would definitely tick him off."
Philippe saw a demon up ahead. He was about to attack, but then a thought hit him. What if this demon is Darkeon? He had an alliance with him. He couldn't kill someone he had made a deal with. Philippe had no idea what Darkeon looked like, which is a problem. he walked up to the demon in front of him, but still kept a safe distance, just in case it wasn't the right demon. "Demon!" Philippe called, "Are you Darkeon?"
Hmm...."You mean like making the MCP mad, so he does something? How would we do that without getting caught? Or is that the whole idea?" Lync felt pretty dumb. I am sure new at this...I should have took that spying course that was offered to me. Oh well, as long as the job gets done.
Philippe was trying on a new, black cloak and boots when he heard a noise. What was that? He ran out of the shop to see what was happening.... (Shopkeeper) "Hey! You didn't pay for that!"
Where was I? Zexion started to search the closet again. He was not having much luck at all. Of course, luck was not one of his strong points.
Philippe was a ways from the castle now. He couldn't see it anymore if he turned around, even with his eyesight. Good riddance... Philippe had reached a town. Now to get some money for a new cloak. He shivered. It was a chilly morning, with the sun barely up. Some people glanced at him. Philippe didn't blame them. He looked horrible with his hair tangled and most parts of his clothing covered in mud. Ceri liked the rain, but did she like the mud? Philippe frowned. What was he doing thinking about them. They are lyers and traitors. Kyle was a good cook, though. Philippe shook himself. He perked up when he saw a well dressed man step out of a shop. I don't think that man would mind too much if I 'borrowed' his wallet. Philippe ran and pushed him down. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Let me help you up!" Philippe helped the man up and walked quickly away. Oldest trick in the book. Philippe pulled the wallet out and looked inside. Wow! This man was loaded! Philippe could afford a cloak, new boots, a day's worth of meals, and a place to stay for the night. What should I buy first...
Zexion tried not to laugh, "I-It looks fine." Zexion frowned. House wives? I ought to tell her off! After all, he was higher rank than her! Zexion laughed out loud. She is scary, though. And taller. He still didn't want to clean up the ashes. "Ah, it is Vexen's lab so he can clean it up himself."
Lync thought for a moment. This was more complicated than he thought. Lync laughed. What was he thinking? Of course it is going to be complicated, what did he expect? Walk in here, beat up the MCP and walk out? Ya right. "What kind of trouble?"
Zexion laughed at this, but stopped when he sneezed again. The card disappeared. "Interesting....."
Zexion was about to go back searching, but sneezed. A copy of Larxene appeared. It started to spaz out. "Great, another one...." Zexion quickly looked at the real Larxene. "I meant, I will get rid of it." Zexion tried to sneeze again, but couldn't.