Mmm, I think I'll keep that one to myself, for now. XD
I'm 24 years old.
Goody XD So, anything you want to ask?
Just another day in paradise, right? XD
lol I bet. Bet it's fun where you're at. XD
lol what kind of dogs and cats do you have?
I like 'em. XD They can be troublemakers when they want to be, though.
4 English mastiffs, 2 bichon frisses...we don't like the last two. XS
lol wow. 6 dogs, 1 cat. XD
lol. So, do you have any pets?
lol thank you. XD
Sleeping, drawing, exercise, and video games.
Good hobbies! lol XD
Ah, cool, cool. What're your hobbies?
I'm good, thanks ^^. How long have you been on this site?
Afternoon. How are you?
Hi, hello, howdy. X3
Hey, der X3
*prepares catapult full of blowtorches, grenades, fire-breathing waffles, rubber-duckies, and faulty bazookas* We must defend the Alamo...from...
Cool. Memorial Day is to honor fallen veterans, but since I neither know any, nor can I afford to travel to any, I just stay home and help out...