...ever had one of those moments, where, you feel like squirrels and rabbits will attempt to take over the world, together? I feel that will be...
I'm betting it's one of the classics XD
"You might be a redneck if the centerpiece on your dining room table is an original signed work by a famous taxidermist." -Jeff Foxworthy. :S
Well, now I'm at least intrigued. It looks like only one more new game right before III (not counting Re:Coded).
Oh yeah. Been trying to get onto a paper that's been mocking me for awhile, now...
Usually some comic book stuff, but I've been known to draw cartoons and anime, as well. My albums here are proof lol
I'm doing okay, just trying to find the will to get stuff done. Yourself?
draw, sleep, and watch odd stuff on youtube. XD
So, what're your hobbies?
Sorry about that.
I'm alright. Yourself? XD
I'm doing fine. ^^
Howdy XD How is yous?
Yeah, I had to immediately log off due to internet issues at home. Looks like we may have hit a snag on Friday nights...
I ish goodies. How yous? X3
Well that sounds delightful. I think I'm going to log off for a bit. ttyl XD bye.
Really? What's it about?
I'm IM-ing a friend, and working on a paper. You?
Mmmm....I can't think of anything. XP
Anything else?