Chop chop chop, honk honk honk 8D
Just imagine clown lumberjacks/lumberjack clowns barging into your school to disrupt things. That brightens anyone's day XD
Sounds like oh-so-much-fun XD
Good morning.
I gtg, and I recommend you logging off, too; your mom should be home soon. ;-; bye
The class is botany.
I'm going to need to know the genus and species of some of them XP
I have to memorize 25 families, and distinguish flowers within each family for a test on Thursday. They all look exactly alike to me. Stupid flowers...
Join me and my hatred.
Hey. You on?
That was part of the deal, when Marvel was approached with a Japanese series. Robots were popular in Japan, at the time (still are), so they gave Spidey a giant robot. In the series, they also changed his origin, him receiving his powers from a dying alien instead of the radioactive spider we're used to.
Ok, I'll ttyl then.
Ah ok. I wondered lol
lol longreplyislong XD
Is that a no?
I'm honestly not so sure about that.
Trust me, I know.
Probably smart for that.
Same, plus frustrations with friends.