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  1. Cody
    Thanks to all that commented^, but...
    Can I get some hate in here plz?
    Post by: Cody, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Cody
    Obviously you ARE the same person, failing at causing drama.
    Good try, though.
    Post by: Cody, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: Departure Hall
  3. Cody
    Why the **** would you post then?
    Post by: Cody, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: Help
  4. Cody
    Experimented with pentool and smudge combo again.
    Thread by: Cody, Sep 20, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Cody
    Wow, a ****in B?
    Dude, that is so messed up it's not funny.
    I don't get why kids take this **** from their parents......
    Post by: Cody, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: Departure Hall
  6. Cody
    Okay, I know I wont get any replies, at all, and if I will take ages.
    So, I was just wondering about coloing my tags. To be frank, I just plain out SUCK big BAWLS at it. I need a tut or some one on one halp on the matter.
    Thread by: Cody, Sep 20, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Help
  7. Cody
    I design graphics.
    Post by: Cody, Sep 12, 2008 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  8. Cody
    Get rid of the lighten layer, and you got a nice textured tag. But, taking that away would make it bland and repetitive. Needs moar, or some neg space.
    Post by: Cody, Sep 12, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. Cody
    F*** yes.
    I'm sure it's been said(Don't feel like going through the topic right now), but it's survival of the fittest, baby.
    If you have a gun in your hand, and a lion inches away from making you it's rag doll, all morals go -whoosh- right out the window.
    Post by: Cody, Sep 12, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  10. Cody
    I don't believe in any word to be "vulger".
    So yes, I do believe it to be possible.
    Post by: Cody, Sep 12, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  11. Cody
    Meh, I lurk alot of gfx sites. A nice one that's still emerging(it has been for years.) is gfxskool.
    I was on team toxic on pr for awhile. I wasn't satisfied, though.
    Post by: Cody, Sep 11, 2008 in forum: Help
  12. Cody
    The faded boxes are not needed here. They actually ruin the seriousness of your tag, which in my opinion, is needed. You should have made something that emphisized the explosion(like shrapnel, making the colors even warmer, and adding some other explosion stocks for example to hide the brown building).
    I like what you have here, but some revision is obviously needed.
    Post by: Cody, Sep 11, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Cody
    -Busts up laughing-

    Anyways, get GIMP.
    After you get used to thatm get PSCS3.
    Follow tutorials at gimptalk.
    Anways, it's ok for your first try.
    Post by: Cody, Sep 11, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. Cody
    gj capin obvious ^
    ty's 4 the cnc.
    Post by: Cody, Sep 11, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. Cody
    This is how the godly "liquify" filter is used.
    Thread by: Cody, Sep 10, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. Cody
    I like this. It's simple and get's the point across. Though, some of the edges look a bit pixely to me.
    Post by: Cody, Aug 31, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Cody
    For me, it's hard to cnc good avatars.
    I dunno, maybe make the colors more vibrant or something, more eye catchng -shrugs-.
    Good job btw.
    Post by: Cody, Aug 31, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. Cody
    Blurry stock, pretty much looks like a pasted on render. No "wow" effects; unfiished.
    Post by: Cody, Aug 31, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. Cody


    Didn't see it, and have no desire to.
    It looks like the same, played out, generic horror movie they make every two months.
    Post by: Cody, Aug 30, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  20. Cody
    Fix the text in the second. It doesn't match at all. Also, you could try and make the pentooling interact with the text, if that makes sense to you.
    Post by: Cody, Aug 30, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics