This game is total crap. Buggy and laggy online(imagine gears x9000) and the story is so hard to get into. Why? You have to drive. EVERYWHERE. Seriously, you have to drive for 20 minutes between each objective and it's just not fun at all. I'm so Fsking disappointed.
Stay up all night playing Persona 3 and browsing 4chan because that's what cool cats do. /b/itch.
try lowering the opacity and make the text thinner.
Your effects don't seem to -click- together very well ruining visual appeal. KEEP WORKING ON IT. EDIT: Oh yeah and the lighting is in the wrong spot.
I got a nice lol from this thread. lol.
Sorry, i'm a homophobic lesbian.
no lag here just fail.
Very good movie. If you haven't, you should see it.
Kill myself.
I'm a lesbian.
The start of this story seems familiar but I just can't put my finger on where I heard it....
PS3 or Xbox 360 ? Both :0. 360 for now and I have a ps3 for when something truly amazing comes out. But if I had to choose one over the other the 360 would be my choice. penis.
This is an extremly boring tag. The text doesn't even fir in there at all since it's floating above the shadow and being illuminated by a light scource unseen in here, which would probably light everything behind it up to some degree if it existed. read a tutorial.
Been forever since my last one.
Untrue. My uncle has been smoking since he was about 15 and he had a wife and he currently has a girlfriend. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Unless you think it is fair for you to have a good life( such as food on your table, fresh water, and an education from pre-k to 12th grade) just because you popped out of your moms pussy in America rather than in Iraq...... IMO no.
Which, in turn, is nothing like home.