I love America.
Actually I've noticed even some pretty clean music videos are flagged. *~*
Mooninites aren't fast food, silly.
Mooninites > Meatwad > Shake > Frylock IN THAT ORDER, NO EXCEPTIONS.
At least it hasn't turned into a ******ed full blown fad. X3
Shake being a complete prick is why he's so awesome.
lol, I don't know [where is the last thread for this link D<]. Oh that's right, it was deleted because of trend whores.
*blank stare*
I'm *desperately* hoping that was sarcastic. D:
Yeah, I've caught myself saying that contradiction a few times. X3
I'm not a prime example, considering the fact that I've already experimented with several different types of liquor, but it's really not a necessity. It doesn't matter whether you do or not, as long as you don't get excessive with it and/or your parents will have kept close watch on it as to catch you if you were to do so.
No. For obvious reasons.
Yes, though I'm not sure if there was a thread or link directly to it in the forums.
You can quite easily make another account on here, even with IP bans.
Judging by what he posted on Youtube, I'm firmly convinced he's coming back.
Kenan and Kel. I knew it was something with a K. XD
Sara asked anyone who was inquiring about this to PM her. So all of you, there's you answer.
Wow. *blushes* *face/keyboard* By the way Roxas, nice job getting banned. :3
That slide scene was so fukken hardcore. ...Was that kool-aid? X3
Does this have anything to do with Kalvin and something?