Eh? It's supposed to be a self-portrait. I used reference from a picture Abby took of me with her cell. I've gone to some of the advanced classes in my school's program, but I never enjoyed them enough to stay in them. Yeah, I know, but I'm completely out of drawing paper. Even printer paper lol. So at the current moment I'm stuck with line paper. :B
Cute without the E ~ Taking Back Sunday
Got out on the thirteenth. And I think I caught a cold.
"...Why'd you title it that?" - Abby Stodola, sitting in my living room. And it's good to see you again, realism.
It was proposed as more of an indifferent face.
Dammit Hissora, you're converting me. ;p Emergency ~ Paramore
:\ <10 characters per post>
There aren't any. ;3 You can likely guess.
XP is healthy, if you know what I mean. :L Vista
That was truly epic. XD
I can't beat God, but I can try. D:
I Miss You ~ Blink 182 ;_;
Every occasion.
Internet, you can watch television online.
If anything, Roxas will likely get more than you guys. And it's kind of in my photobucket, I mean, how can't I? X3
It's in Dutch. German isn't quite that disgusting of a language. Still funny after hearing for the thousandth time XD Does anyone think the guy is trying to imitate a dog?
Sorry, I only have nekomimi. No mouse ears. :B