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  1. Alice
    Post by: Alice, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Alice
    Hmmm...I'm rather scared to know the results of this.
    Post by: Alice, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Alice


    I'd love to be a heterochromiac. *3* Though the colorblind issue would be a con. I must ask, how exactly does vision work if you're colorblind in only one eye?
    Post by: Alice, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Alice
    Third to last one was just great. X3
    Post by: Alice, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Alice


    Personally, I think overcast, rain, or thunderstorms are nicer weather. I don't care for the sun much, because I burn horribly in it and I'm not a fan of heat.
    Post by: Alice, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Alice
    I must not have had quiche similar to the kind you've had then. XD Actually, the way you describe it, it doesn't sound so horrible. P:
    Post by: Alice, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Alice
    No need to start posting in obnoxious text. :\

    Sorry that I don't feel making stupid posts without logic is comforting. I'm not being depressing, I'm being realistic, and I really just believe think someone posting random crap about "OMG yah, liek ppl shouldn't be allowed to drink cuz ur mom died and a bunch of other pple die D: im so sorry" gives much condolence.

    When something unfavorable happened to me recently I didn't feel like hearing "People shouldn't be allowed to have gasoline, because then they can set themselves on fire. :'("

    Just try to be serious for a moment and not take everything I say so damn personally.
    Post by: Alice, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Alice
    Eh? Mari too perhaps? :3

    You're essential concept of anatomy is fairly good, there are just things like general symmetry, development, and naturalization that could use improvement...if heaven shines upon me my tablet is working so I can fix you up with some redlines in a bit.

    Lust's headshot is overall very nice. The only suggestions I have are giving her a bit of collar bone definition, since her character is older and I believe in the manga I've read I commonly see Arakawa give that feature to her. There's also a piece of hair at the top, that seems to come out of a mass that is sweeping more to the side, I think you meant for it to be bent downwards like that, but since it wasn't portrayed at all it's hard to tell. I suppose it just makes it seem a bit random.

    Original character - She has a particularly wide neck, and the way it overlaps her shoulders makes her upper body appear kind of bara in that general area. Her arms breast and torso...well, I don't really know how to describe it. For now, all I can say is it's very undefined. Torsos aren't really just two curved has to be more elaborate for it to look less amateur. Her arms are the same, they lack definition. Muscles in the arm appear even in lanky people.

    Third - General anatomy and proportions are really off. The style is really generic - like, even more than my own - because her eyes are no more than black dots. Pupils, shading, reflections, etc. will help your face look less noobish. Your lacking in clothing folds, which again give it an amateur feel. Really, the behavior of the clothing in this picture is very unrealistic, and by that, I mean even for a yukata-like sleeve it's behaving in a weird way. I guess this is more of a cultural confusion than an artistic problem. The bow and hair...I'll get to it later if my pen is functioning.

    Fourth - Not touching it.

    Fifth - I'm sure you've seen tears before and come on, you know they don't look like that. :P Pleeeease don't do the whole tear 'drop' thing when they're present on the face. Again, your style looks really generic here. Try to go for more definition in the face and nose...I just can't stress that enough. I feel like I'm looking at Inuyasha. :\ Another naturalizing issue; due to the fact that water isn't like a viscous jelly and has surface tension, it doesn't look wavy. It should really just have a curved top if anything.

    Long post I made thar. X3

    lol, I page stretch all the time. XD
    Post by: Alice, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. Alice
    I think the second one of your original character is the most favorable as of now. :3 The facial features are placed suitably considering the angle, and her proportions are also fitting seeing how the charcater is meant to be busty. I don't see any flaws really, except for uneven lineart and kind of strange line patterns in the hair.

    As for the smaller pixels, chibi sketch, sigs, and gifs...well, I don't really comment on pixels because it's hard to explain anatomy and style due to their size, I don't work with signature manipulations, and I just don't think GIFs are as much an art form as they are a process. I don't comment on chibi stuff because it's mostly moe blob.
    Post by: Alice, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Alice
    Well, quiche is mostly egg pie, so no. XD

    I looove ham and cheese hot pockets, as long as they're cooked in my microwave. Because seriously, my microwave is the only on that can cook them evenly. Without getting that frozen in the middle scorching on the outside effect.
    Post by: Alice, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Alice
    I love cheesy gross stuff. D:
    Post by: Alice, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Alice
    Was she sped or something? :\
    Post by: Alice, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Alice
    Eh, you've been beat. X3
    Post by: Alice, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Alice
    Sorry, but it's true. Temperance movements are really pretty pointless, seeing how alcoholics would still find a way. Besides, not everyone has a drinking problem. There's a large number of people who socially drink with no complications on the road and at home.
    Post by: Alice, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Alice
    Knowing you, that doesn't count as a cure for nervousness, it's just you being a perv. X3
    Post by: Alice, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Alice
    I feel compelled to try it now, because I drew something that was supposed to seem so trippy that I may have drawn it under the influence of some strong shiz, and I'd actually like to see what I could come up with if I was on it. Still, I've never drank enough to get really drunk, and since I've seen a friend who's done said actions I'd much rather not make a fool of myself. XD
    Post by: Alice, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Alice
    You seem to have a nack for getting people to start inane trends over threads you make, Roxas. :3 I hope no one else tries to jump on the bandwagon though.
    Post by: Alice, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Alice
    That is some damn sexy hair.

    Mostly a picture of my uncle, but I thought I'd sexify it a bit.
    Post by: Alice, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Alice
    Christ, Nanaki. XD

    Most I know, though there are a few in there that must seclude to the Role Playing sections since I've like never heard of them.
    Post by: Alice, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone