Lake of Fire ~ Nirvana
ten characters per post
Being a lazy fuck doesn't count as an excuse. Well, at least it doesn't for me in regards to SA. X3 Um, I was just messing with your head...
NRA hasn't gone through puverty yet. Which you would know if you read old posts.
We're talking about puverty, not puberty. :\
Most of the guys I know are more or less disgusted/phobic of anything menstrual related.
I was going to put it in classic /b/tard form, but they weren't instructions. And fixed. >:3
She was referring to periods. You're not female. I can't believe you didn't catch that. I like making these lists it would seem. One more, just because. lol
lol, It was implied in the literal sense.
Fixed. XD Bloody Hell, it is.
Vista will kill us all. D:
They're incorporating song titles into their posts.
4 941|2 |\/|4`/ 94|274|< 1|\| 7|-|15 1|\||=4|\|71|_3 (0|\|\/1\/14|_17`/ 7|-|0|_| \/\/15|-|35 70 |2364|_3.
Dad. X3 1'|\/| |\|07 5|_||23 \/\/|-|47 70 7`/93 |\|0\/\/....
You guys are literally making a mockery of this. <:3
_)4|)3'5 83(0|\/|1|\|6 \/\/34|<.
What the fuck are you guys talking about?
XD Lover I Don't Have to Love ~ Bright Eyes As a rapper, Lil Wayne really isn't considered to be one of the top artists. \:3
|\|`/4 |-|4~ Oh god, I'm getting sloppy. XD
I loooove this song. Emergency ~ Paramore