I knew I saw some orange down there... How are you doing, iP?
-DP- It is~? Yay!! Chibi ish the greatest ^^ Bye~, HisNobody-chaaaan~! Welcome back, khchick! =]
*runs into the door again* Hello again?
That was what I was thinking...
House ish cool xP dksl;jfkldjsl;jad
(okay! ^^) BAH!! *restrains Macie from hitting someone with his racket again* I can multi-task!! Hmm, like Sephy-chan? Oh, and those balls dun work for me >.> I threw it at the wall and it came back to hit me in the face.
khchick ish right. I dun hate you. (...You were talking about me, right?) I just have a slight temper problem that no one can help me with :)
O.o It is also very strange ._. *smacks Tidus with racket* I was only trying to help *smacks again* I wish you would stop taking my racket. Shusheh, Baka Tezuka-Buchou!!
Awe, cute bird!! And you are very pretty ^^
lol xP That part is good. *pokehs Tidus* That's not true
Date Movie is funny xD In a strange way >.> -Shoe Buddy- Hmm, you sure? 'Cause that what we ish here for!
-Shoe Buddy- You okay? >:3 *points at Shoe Buddy* OVER THERE!!
Violence is (not) wrong!! ... That was acting children!! *beats Pinata with baseball bat* Stupid thing -_-
Oh, mucho gracias!! *filler filler filler*
xD I just fell out of my chair.
Oh my, this drawung ish so awesome!! *stares in awe*
*hugs back* ^^ Holaaaa I'm uber borededness if that counts. And I must be the worst ninja ever >.> Dang it, I almost forgot again -_-
*ninja poofs and rams into the door* HOW AM I ALWAYS SEEN?!
*waves* See you later, DP! Good luck on those finals
Bye Shoe Buddy, have fun at the asylum!! (..Where I should be..) Bye byez, Alex *waves*