I'm just gonna go, guys. Ja.
Wait, what? Why?!
-Poncho- STALKER!!! *revives Alex* *smacks Tidus with racquet again* That's not nice.
-khchick- Yupp, sure did! *sees him running away* ^,^; -HisNobody- *shoots the guys working at the BK Lounge*
Yupp, tacos. Pooooor Tidus. -khchick- Hm... *sees him wandering in the grass* I found him~...
*watches everyone* This is interesting... Where did that Pinata go... I wanna beat it again... Emus are tacos, Tidus. Are you a taco?
Nuuuu, dun die~!!! DX *kills Marluxia and Nomura*
... I'm not even going to go there...
Oh, yes. I definitely need your help ^^
If you people get so much as one drop of Holy Water on me, I'll eat you.
Those people have far worse problems than me. I miss the old shows :(
I reaaaally didn't like Xigbar. I just didn't.
Yeah. My nephews watch the show, and the song always gets stuck in my head >.>
The World Is Black - Good Charlotte
That Viva Pinata game? This is that horse >.>
I got it for a birthday gift as well. It was a pretty good birthday
Sure, go for it. *sticks out Pinata* I told you it was acting! I'm not a Pinata! Right. A colorful paper mache horse, not a Pinata? Okay
-khchick- No worries. It always happens to the best of us.
Pinata? Where? Come back when DP does >.> It was fun, though xD
-DP- Sounds like you're having fun XP I am, though. ZOMG, there was a Pinata here earlier, you missed it!!