I KNEW it was spelled wrong...
Not exactly, you're the mom of this thread, so you still are in charge as well.
Okay, but there was a council, and DP was an elected member by us. She has a right to tell you these things. HisNobody and darksmile as well.
Yes. It'd be in your best interest not to mess with her.
I used to hate Axel when I found out he had Zexion killed. But then I discovered Vexen. He just worries me.
Ja, DP-san~!
Haha, no worries. Me too ^^ A friend of mine had the same idea, except with the USA. She said that she was going to shoot anyone who came into her city with a Bazooka but me =] I was happy :D
Hehe, when you do take over the world, please don't kill me ^^ 'Cause I'll be supporting you from here! xDD
Awe, it was so kawaii!! Very good, Aerith! :D
O.o Damn YouTube for being so addicting!! *shakes fist*
Yeah, my sister bought it with her graduation money >.> I must admit, I'm not a good person for a babysitter. I kinda have a short temper <.> But I know how you feel -_-
On my first day of summer break, I called my friend at 6 in the morning. ^^
=] Not much, just got in from the trampoline and babysitting. What about you?
Aw, You are very pretty, DP!!! ^^ You never know, Val, you might see them again
Very nice outfit, I'm jealous ^^ That cake did turn out pretty good, too.
Okay, cool! I can't wait to see it =]
Yup yup. They is wise people, Aerith and Tifa.
Oh, he is okay ^^ We all get like that sometimes, I guess.
Ohh, I see. Well at least you aren't doing badly ^^
Hi there ^^ How are you three doing?