^^ Ohhh, darn! Where ever could rachel have just disappeared to?!
Heyyy, rachel! I see you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, rachel!!! Hope you have a good one!! :)
That's hard >.< I'd have to say.. Either Demyx or Axel.
*shakes head and tries not to laugh* Ahh, I'm having one of those moments again... *shakes head again*
Yeah, I like the Ocarina of Time a whole lot more. I did like the fact that you were challenged in Majora's Mask, but it didn't suit me all that well. I can't usually work with time limits.
Oh, okay. Glad I'm not the only one. So, uh.. Yeah. *headdesks* That's better.
Yeah, I can't see it either. Sorry =[
*ninja poofs* Hmmm.. So I'm wondering if anyone else has the sudden urge to slam their head on a desk.
Personal Jesus - Marilyn Manson
*tries to help Carl pull her out*
I thought I just about died for a minute there xD *tries to pull khchick out* You still stuck in there?
Guys? Don't you think we should try to get khchick out of the wall?
Hmm, now you can't forget all us little people when you become a Premium Member, eastercat!! CARL!!!
Same here. I got one part from it done, but I can't find the key after >.>
Awe, what's wrong, Alex?
*ish afraid that she terribly big*
Heya, eastercat! How are you? That is such a pretty song!
Yupp. But I did like the piano that was in Corpse Bride.
Oh, yeah. No music will ever beat TNBC. Never.
I was mad at the frog for the longest time >.> I almost refused to feed him, since, ya know. But I wasn't able to not feed him, I felt bad.