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  1. Meh

    PC Flyff

    I play a bunch of characters on the PH really depends on where you're from...

    It's really fun, but a lot of it is hack & slash with a couple of quests. But it is still fun to play...

    I don't have any character that is above level 25 on the game though (meaning I'm a noob on the game :p) but it's still fun if you know what your doing.
    Post by: Meh, Apr 13, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  2. Meh
    I just recently finished the game (only once, mind), and my friend -saxoR_vs_aroS-
    suggested that I join. So I did...and I'm saying hi!

    Thread by: Meh, Apr 12, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures