Sora can't look straight into the blinding light, but he sure can look at Riku.
Zexion... Have you seen that hair? or Roxas 'cause nothing's the same anymore .
Stupid egg drive... or New Sora collectables! Get yours now!
10480 weeeeeeeeee.....
9434 ladidoodida! :)
When they say bring your own sunglasses, they seriously mean it. or Fear t3h light.
8957 yarooh rof gnipyt sdrawkcab! :P
Hey dude, I'm kind of new here too. Just wanna say to make a lot of friends and follow the rules here! It's really awesome.
8339 tn'si gnipyt sdrawkcab nuf? I evol ti!
8329 doog rof uoy fi uoy nac daer siht esuaceb lla eht sdorw era sdrawkcab!
mine would be Sarnxed or Nexdar...
Either Flyff or Vitalize PristonTale. They're both hack&slash games, but both free. But for VitalizePT you need a pretty fast comp.
5982 sdrawkcab si ecnetnes siht
it could also depend on where you're from, and the culture there. where i live (and come from) most of the gamers are Catholic.
saxoR_vs_aroS, you've finally used all that knowledge gained for good :p. your'e right. we can actually slow/stop global warming, it's just that not a lot of people care about it. they don't want to 'press the break and turn around.'
I'm not really sure...maybe it was PristonTale..or AQ. I remember I started both at the same time. Quit AQ though.
I haven't played in a couple of months...I had like 3 lvl 20s, and a newbie Dervish. I also played a lot of PvP...right now I don't play at all, but I still remember what it was like playing. I might get back into it once GW:Eye of the North comes out, or maybe just when Guild Wars II comes.
I think this game sucks...I used to play a couple of years ago, when there was no other good MMO that I could play. The gameplay just stinks, and it's a general boring old Hack & Slash with graphics that I would personally give 3/10.
3909.... I can see my house from up here!