"ok here goes"larxene said putting a meddallion in his hand and clenching soras fist larxene thought greedy thoughts for sora
ooc - ok but just warning you i dont have much idea what sora would say either bic - sarena looked out the window and saw sora on the beach "yup on the beach lets go"sarena said opeing the door sora was sitting on the sand staring out to sea
"wait here i'll get sora"larxene said stepping out the moonlight giving her head a tug to make sure it was secure and made a portal and came back with sora "here you go kairi do yoou want to give him the meddallion or shall i?" larxene asked
ooc - hang on do you want to be sora? bic - yeah lets but where is dad?
"well i mean he might not turn out like i did he might be some sort of undead animal maybe even a whole new creature who cant talk"larxene said and her head fell off so she put it back on "this is goint to be trouble even though i cant feel it"
"hey dont hog the spy i want my fair share but still why are we being watched?do you think dad might know?"sarena asked
"he might turn out to be anything undead"larxene replied
"really well i'm not any bit nobody"larxene said
"ok"larxene said grabbing a meddallion and stepped into the moonlight and thought of destroying everyone who stops her getting her way and she transformed into a zombie with only half her flesh most of it hanging off "ok so lets see i feel embarrassed i can feel happiness i can feel love i can feel anger hate greed yup all my emotions i ever had" larxene said
"wow so thats why there is s many so does hat make junk food healthy?"larxene asked
"yes but the only problem is that well he might feel embarrased i mean his flesh might be rotten in the moonlight he might not even have flesh in the moonlight but as far as i now he can feel emotionss do you want me to test it?"larxene asked
"but now that makes to more questions who and why?"sarena asked
"what do you mean "this is what you expected" what did you expect?"larxene asked
"look that wouldnt work t was when he lost his heart but this time his heart just stopped working"larxene said grabbing a meddallion and tossing it back into the chest "just whatever you do dont feel greedy while holding these things or you will be cursed aswell and there is only one cure for it"larxene warned
"in theory i'll just have a cheese sandwich"larxene said picking up a sandwich and took a bite out of it maybe if i pm everyone and see what they say
ooc-yup of course you can "maybe they are using cameras that are invisible lets see if any are in the room"sarena said swinging her keyblade ten there was a clunk and she could see a peice of matal just floating and it went out the window
"well i'll get the meddallions because they were thrown into the sea be right back"larrxene said opening a portal nd came back 5 minutes later with the chest gasping fro air she also had seaweed on her head "ok i got the chest"larxene said slamming it on the ground "that thing is heavy i allmost drowned"
"ok lets go but where do you thik they could be hiding?"sarena asked summoning a keyblade and looked aroound ooc-yes soras in this its his kids in fact i said everybody from kh can be involved
"it might but the only thing would be anyfood he trys to eat would turn to ash in his mouth and any drink would just dissappear the moment it touched his lips"larxene said
ooc- i havent really thought about that but they can be whatever you call it when 5 kids are born together or something "so you want to try and find out whos watchng us?"sarena asked