"oh yeah name one time i ever lied"sora said "well you lied a second ago when you said there were heartless you lied when you said hikari attacked"sarena said "yeah well i was talking to kairi and now those times have already been said kairi cant say them"sora said "dad thats a lie because she has a mouth and your no in control of it"sarena said
heartless appeared and naminé just kicked them out of the way and kept walking sora walked next to naminé
"um well hang on i think i just saw some heartless over there i'll see you later"sora said walking over to where he had pointed sarena ran and blocked his path "dad i was staring at that spot and there definetly werent any heartless so why did you attack hikari?"sarena asked "the same reason i started to fight you behind kairis back to make you and hikari stronger...oops did i sy that out loud i meant hikari just attacked me"sora said nervously
larxene appeared in her house and walked around this place used to be so alive there was never a dull moment it used to gather happy times but no all its gathered is dust larxene thought
"well guys your either coming with me on the gummi ship or i'm going alone"naminé said walking away sora looked at kairi and roxas
sora dodged and used blizzard on hikari "hey hikari just started slashing me" sora said "dad i dont think thats what happened"sarena said
larxene just stood there motionlessly enjoying the kiss ooc - really what making vids or uploading them ohno i have to go now bye
"your welcome chrystale and riku i wasnt talking to you sora goes crazy around darkness really he tried to kill me twie but the second time xemnas tricked him into killing himself"larxene said walking forward ready to help chrystale
"well finally you use your voice to say what you want to say and i will do the same thing and say i love you to"larxene said ooc - sounds cool unfortunately i dont knowhow to upload videos i dont even know how to make them
"well i did count to three"sora said faulsly slashing his keyblade to the left and quickly moved it to the right then properly slashed left "lets go then mom"sarena said getting up and walking back she could have sworn she just saw sora slash his keyblade at hikari "mom i think dads fighting hkari"sarena said
"well i suppose you didnt really want me to say i didnt care and just walk away"larxene said
"good point maybe i can try to see who can stay awake longest and who can stay asleep longest that would be fun shall we go back to dad and hikari now?"sarena asked "ok one two three go"sora said quickly and he leaped and slashed his keyblade at hikari knowing she wasnt ready
"right so were you spying on me because i dont recallever meeting anyone else on the island"larxene said
"she isnt better at being the worst at everything"sarena said "hey hikari do you want to try fighting me"sora asked
"chrystale let me help you in case anthing bad happens on the other side of the portal"larxene said
"really where did you live all i remember of where i lived was house in the middle of the forest and a beach i think i lived on an island"larxene said
"so do you have dreams when your dead and yeah chrystale was out for a couple of hours and sora i really dont think you should use darkness anymore"larxene said
"i'm pretty sure he did mean it if he didnt he should have meant it because hikari is better than me at everything except one thing"sarena said
"sora whats it like to die?"larxene asked wandering weather xemnas would try to kill her
"hi mom"sarena muttered and she picked up another stone and threw it