"um thats alot of food ok so what are you having to eat?"larxene asked ooc-everybody who joined the rp but still doesnt post by tommorrow i'm wiping the space
i would have a solution but sora would only be half alive he'd be undead did he ever tell you about the aztec treasure and how he had to defeat undead pirates?"larxene asked
ooc-yup they are sarena saw hikairi looking out the window and ran inside to see her "hi what are you doing today?im really bored and i still have that feeling somebodys watching me"sarena said looking around nervously
"but that means you are half nobody you are half a person wait nobodies are half a person anyway that means your 3 quaters of a person you are so close to a complete somebody"larxene said "and why can i put the torch away from my hand
"you still think there is a chance of saving sora?"larxene asked
"yes but how did you stop blood?"larxene asked
"so let me get this straight she is a threat but we dont know why how does that work?"clay asked dojo walked in "hey guys what are you doing?"
ooc - i tried out that glitter shack thing the one you made your signature from but i dont get how to get the pictures onto my signature i have a really good picture bic - "well it looks like we lost chrystale again looks like soras not coming back now i guess i have to be an eternal slave to xemnas a promise is a promise right?" larxene said making a portal
ooc - oh if you insist then what choice do i have just remember i wont be here much longer if anyone else wants to join when i'm gone tell them to pm me Sarena was just sitting around bored with the feeling she was being watched she saw Hana and walked over "hey Hana what are you doing today?" sarena asked
ooc - yeah bye bic - "chrystale come back here!"larxene shouted knowing chrystale wasnt in the room anymore
you know that means we have something in common
ooc - i am not completely stupid its just aclone really isnt it? bic - "sora is dead we need you to heal him chrysale anyway what took you so long to come out?"larxene asked
of course i dont mind if anyone wants to start go ahead
sure you can
"chrystale come on out whatever xemnas has done to you cant be so bad you dont want to see us come on we wont laugh or anything i promise"larxene said
ok so this is based about 19 years after kingdom hearts and sora has had 5 kids who all possess a keyblade but doesnt realize that the kids have been on tv since they were born but the kids start to get suspicious the way everybody they meet seem to treat them like movie stars you can be anyone from kingdom hearts you can just give the siblings names taken characters sarena-naminestwinsister hikari:SORA! Hana:ProLucrecia kairi:SORA! sora:naminestwinsister Delthryn:Chendler
larxene looked and realized she was already in the room "well i already am in the room now come on chrystale sora needs you unless you want to leave him dead and i promised i'd serve xemnas eternally if we dont get sora back"larxene said
"chrystale if you are here please just um moan again then we can work out roughly where you are and take you home"larxene said
"chrystale was that you?!"larxene shouted "chrystale we need you sora is dead a long as your not there to heal him"