follow the butterflies!!!
i like this show xP its not on tv in the us. thats kinda depressing.
i wanna play! im downloading it now.
that kinda disturbing... poor cat. i hope he's ok.
its the red x box of doom!
congrats :D
the button combos are fun to do. i guess i see it as a button masher since i havent tried to play it on hard yet :D
... very odd...
female: kairi xD male: sora xD or scott
thats a good movie, but i havent seen it in awhile.
i want the t shirt!!!!!! nice job with the other designs :D
i like it too xD
... whats with the michael jackson picture?
:speechless-smiley-0:speechless-smiley-0:speechless-smiley-0 xaldin youve overcome your fear of girls!!!!! how did she react?
hey there delilah- plain white t's
they're really good but in the first one his right shoulder is too small.
im guilty of everything except the last one xD did jesse mccarntey know what you were talking about? xDD
in CoM when the heartless appear in a room i like to run around. the heartless chase me in circles for hours xD
can i have the mp3 for this song?