ok i'll create a room room: Ice cream password: sea salt
anyone wanna play halo?
its good, but i would fix his shoes. try putting some white so it shows more detail.
i just downloaded the halo trial, and when it was done it asked me if i wanted to run it. i clicked 'run' and nothing happened... what should i do?
that is sick. if they insist on killing them, they should do it in a less painful way.
i like it because you can post random things without getting in trouble :D
welcome to kh vids! remember the rules and have fun :D
i think a keyblade since thats what she had in kh2.
welcome to kh vids! have fun :D
animal cruelty is wrong. i dont think theyre doing enough about it. i heard about a man who kicked a dog to death and didnt get more than 6 months in prison.
i dont like that song either, and yet it seems everywhere i go its played.
i dont have a myspace. i dont see the point of having one.
... the admins approved that name?
so thats why im awake all night...
female: kairi xD male: scott or sora xD
if youre 12 and you have a baby, its wrong because youre too young for the responsibility. if youre 60 and you have a baby, youre almost too old to be raising a child.
it looks ok, but i wouldnt play it.
which floor?
^pink!!!^ color it silver with a black background.