the white room looks like castle oblivion. i dont thinkthe rest of it looks like icastle oblivion much.
wierd. i didnt realize thats what sora said.
those bratz dolls are so anorexic(sp?) looking. dont even get me started about the movie. barbie used to have the ball gowns and now theyre wearing miniskirts and tops that could pass for a swimsuit.
my favorite part is when that other woman offers him lemonade and he throws up xD
oh yeah the gay policeman xD bart started that avalanche and homer told lisa to clap too xDD
spider pig! xD thats epic but you'll never know where the treasure is buried!
^it ends like that^ thats such a sad movie.
^yes, wake me up when september ends the ps3 really needs to get more games. the 360 and wii are crushing it.
vote for xaldin xD
23098 does anyone have a cookie?
sounds interesting :D
its people that think like this who make the world go downhill. why worry about the end of the world? if it ends, too bad, we cant do anything about it. worry only adds to negativness.
... MY HAT IS AWESOME!!! this is epic
lol hopefully ds wont find out xD
was there a troubleshooting book that came with the mouse? maybe the answer is in there. keep trying to fix it with the buttons. if nothing works, you might need a new mouse.
i want a hug! that looks like its fun. i wanna try it sometime xD
the hurricanes dont count, they were part of nature. i dont think america's going under yet. you might have a point though. look at what happened to ancient cultures like the egyptians. they reached the peak of sucess around thier 200th year and then they collapsed. who knows, maybe this will happen to america. hopefully not.
i like it. the red looks really good with the city.
i like sugar xDDD