anyways, i got to go right now... busy weekend... won't be on until next friday maybe, miss ya CtR! bye everyone!
meh, i just wanted to see what crap Ducky posted this time...
oh yeah, that's right, going away for two weeks... nothing electronic in sight... *gives you solar powered computer* and... in case that one doesn't work... *gives you Hamster powered computer*
I don't even see a red x... wow... even the red x hates ducky...
Hi family... I'm not going to be on muchin september at the least... Work... other stuff... *sigheth*you may see me on Fridays or on the weekend if my brother doesnt bug the crap out of me that day... *Cough* *Sniff* i hates being sick... anyways, somewhat of a bye... i'll be back every now and then...
Don't leave...
hi family...
naw, try four years younger... meh, anyways don't feel out of place, you're surronded by people who love the same stuff you do! enjoy yourself!^^
wow, 70 members... i remember when there were only about 7... good times...
Banned?! that's the only name i use!... dammit crono...
err... sorry to bump but, i can't get in... i keep trying but it keeps showing: "You cannot join the chat (+b)" what the hell?
bye, thanks for all the birthday wishes^^ and i have to go for now, be back in a bit^^
*Legend of Zelda chest opening music plays* :sweatdrop: what is it?
thanks everyone^^ *is hoping for a new car*
^^ well, guess I'll join^^
i must slay this evil post count! *takes post count behind shed whilist carrying a hunting rifle*
lololololololol! i feel kinda old now... oh well... thanks^^
forgive me for this but... BELIEVE IT! yayness^^ anyways if anyone is wondering why i'm so happy... 20th Birthday! WOOHOO! (i feel like a little kid, so excited about a birthday)
Yes, go to Canada! HI FAMILY! :D:D:D *steals many of CtR's dances* *dances them all*
no offence or anything but it could be an Angry Video Game Nerd fangirl... meh, congrats anyways