Me no liek teh txt talk.
Lol this thread is funny.
Lol...Mish make me lol'd.
Why did I kick your *** yesterday?
Lol...President Colbert...xD
heh... Forsaken said 'egad'...xD
Hell yeah it does. I've seen so many ridiculous posts in that thread, it's not even funny. It's like no one really knows how to debate these days. It's always 'Nuh-uh!!! It's MY WAI!1111' or 'You're wrong becuz I pwn u'. *sigh*
Ooh...so that's the thing on the top of the User CP. >_>
... Lol, I got punishwork for forgetting to bring my ID to school. Gotta write a paragraph 10 times. XD
High school really does a toll on you. I get what you mean. Freshmen year is horrible here.
Depends. It would cause a de-repping war because people would be outraged at how derepped them. It is also nice to have someone rep you and know who it is, but if the person wants to stay anonymous that let them. If they want you to know, then they'll reveal themself. So...no.
Indeed. I don't think there really is 'the most mature' member here at KHV.
Gawd, I love it. Er...not your punishment, of course, though it is funny that you got it right after your modship. Happy sneakings!
I remember you saying stuff that you'd never be in the staff. I think it was something about the end of the world or something. *Earth asploded* DDDD:
Oh dear. fillerz
I'd join, but...eh, I don't GFX much. And crono scares little babies.
Er...what's your MSN? D:
Forum: 0, you guys are idiots. >_> Life: 1 Well, technically you can love more than one person. I luv my mommie and daddie. :3
who r u? DDDDD: >_>