Naruto made me cry because of how pathetic the show is. However, Shipuuden isn't half bad.
In most cases, all sleights are equal in power in terms of each other. However, the strongest sleights are actually Holy and Dark Aura. If you test it out with the MAX AP code, then you'll see.
Typically happens with Asian parents. -_-;
It's fine, though VERY boring. I can't learn **** when my class is full of blathering idiots. ... I'm gonna get yelled at for that B+. --_--
Because I transferred to a private school, they don't accept the Highschool credits I've received in 8th grade at a public school, so I have to retake them until otherwise. Hopefully, I'll be transferred soon after taking this weird test.
Class and Scores Religion I: A- Algebra I: A English I: A- Reading I: A- Physical Science: B+ Spanish I: A+ Health/PE: A OMG, I almost had a perfect 4.0 except for that damned B+. Though I find it ******ed that I'm not supposed to be taking any of these classes. I'm supposed to be taking ****ing Honors courses.
^ I dunno...I just wanted to say that I got it. :/
... I just got my report card.
Please tut that nao! D: I like the effects and how they don't necessarily cover the entire canvas. Love the text, except for 'artist'. A little eerie, but it's not that big of a deal.
I'm not reading it. I'm skimming it.
Geez...another lame version of 'Where's Waldo?' Why can't you people wear a lame costume so it's easier to find you? Perhaps a red striped shirt?
They were more of a minigame part of the game, but still enjoyable. I loved The Assault of the Dreadnought Lvl 3.
Gawd, that German kid is always funny. XD
OOOH, I'd be the Little Dipper!
Eh...such kids to complain about homework. It's not that bad...just do it. Do it and then you get to do whatever you want. It's just to practice what you've learned at school. If you didn't have homework, you'd probably be a blathering idiot.
Omg...I love this one. The colors really compliment each other, but lay off some of the effects near Riku. Gotta hate slumpage.
E-pwnt .
Lol, nice. >_>
First of all, it might look better if you made the render/stock a little more clearer and erase some of the effects on it. It blends as a plus. Add some more color to it. A C4D and some brushing (maybe some abstract) might help. Er...
Lol @ teh name changes.