For a new study. I really need to pass, otherwise I'm done for...
I'm doing fine, really. The weather is beuatiful today ^^
I'm doing fine, you?
It is, but why? and how are you getting online ATM?
Ah okay, that's awesome, what a week ahead of you!
Ah, I think we all have that sometimes... Good to hear that they are fine! How are you/
Yeah, you can always ask a teacher
XP, Hi there!
Yeah, they are not too hard to find, google should have some links, XP
uhm, making a painting, and some other stuff, I have to go on an audition next friday...
I'm doing fine. If those days are to long, you should take some more sugary things with you, it works, really!
Onee-chan as in big sis, xP, I like to give everybody a nickname, sorry. I'm doing fine.
Oh, okay, but then again, sleep is essantial for someones health. Is that person doing okay?
XP, do you know how to work with it? you should also ask if he has Illustrator BTW, it's very handy...
Sir? That was not something what Shadow often heared out of somebody else. He laughed and followed the guy.
Wow, that's also really lovely! I like it!
Just listen to this! [video=youtube;y-7YR0s1i5M][/video] Isn't it beuatiful? I'm in love with it!
Hey there, how are you onee-chan?
I'm doing fine, thank you!
Hey there! sleepin any better at the moment?