If you ask me: Spoiler I still pick destroy because I STILL believe (yes I know by now its confirmed for fake) in the Indoctrination theory, knowing Bioware they can't just ignore their fans (unless their evil overlords EA tell them to do so). People wanted more Liara, they gave the Lair of the Shadow Broker, they wanted to be pumped up for ME3, they gave them Arrival, maybe one day Bioware will listen to fans and make the Indoctrination theory come true, and just like Kites said, I just don't believe in concentrating on one thing throughout the series (IE destroy the Reapers) and than all of a sudden "whoops, guess what, looks like the bad guys visions were right the whole time! Be a hypocrite and choose those instead!"
Just one question, if you had a superpower what would it be?
I understand its the internet, and to be honest, I have been keeping it in for a while, but now I've gone through too much that the internet is now like the last piece on a sandwich (I'm exaggerating). I mostly come on the internet to talk to people who have been through as much as me, sure there not like me, but at least they can understand, and lately it just doesn't seem that way. I'm sorry, I know it isn't a big deal, but its been stuck in my head for a while. Oh without a doubt there are people who are nice on KHV, trust me the last forum I was on I was banned for 3 days because of a fucking spelling error! At least not everyone on KHV is a stuck up snob who thinks that just because they're older/been on here longer/hipster means that they can pick on other people they don't know. Trust me, every forum I've been too while I was gone from KHV has acted that way to me. Before KHV there was a forum where I could get along with everyone, and they were all kind, mature, and all understood that this is a place for fun, but than the forum got hacked by some stupid shithead (sorry for cussing, I'm still mad about it to this day)
I'm not going to post in the spamzone for a while. I need to let my mind off on things, as so do some other people, I'll still be posting around other places around the forum, but I feel like I start drama where ever I go. This isn't goodbye, this is more like see ya, not anyone's gonna miss me, but I don't care, I'll be back once I feel like it. See ya.
Ok KHV, I'm getting tired of drama everywhere I go, I'm getting drama from: 1. My friends 2. My parents 3. School 4. Every word I let out on here Seriously does this ever end? Can my life and people I know just get along? "This is how the world works" my parents say to me. Can I get by one fucking day without any goddamn drama? Seriously, I'm getting tired of it guys, the reason why I've been arguing here also is due to drama being passed from my life to here. Why can't people just shut up? Why can't people get along? Why can't I go though a single day without an argument? Why do people claim to be "mature" and "responsible" when they can't accept other people's opinions? Humanity makes me sick, I wish I had enough money to buy a car and just get out of my goddamn house, because this drivers license I just got is proving so far not very helpful. Uug, please even playing games or watching anime won't help me with this.
You're right, I haven't seen it, and I plan on not seeing it because it seems arguments on here never get solved, I'm not posting on this thread because people can't accept what I see, this would be the best thing to to.
Like I said before, I came here to have fun, its called the "spam zone" not "the drama zone", trust me I have enough drama in my life, I don't need anymore arguing with people I don't know.
Than why aren't people acting like they mean nothing? To me it seems like people are starting drama on a part of a forum that doesn't deserve to have drama. I thought spamming was supposed to be fun, not this shit, seriously people, if you want drama, go to the "help with life" sections, I came here to have fun. And I know I'm going to get another "you're a hypocrite for posting this!" let me say this again, this has gotten out of hand that it has to be put to rest!
Due to my autism (which yes I am autistic) I can't tell if someone is being sarcastic or not, sorry :-( Yes I know I may be arguing about something that is not a big deal Yes I know people are joking But its kind of gotten to a little more of a problem, that it has to be put to rest.
No, in fact, no matter the excuse, no one is exempt, not even me.
OK, let me put it in better terms. KHV wants to be viewed as "mature" and "unlike other filthy forums on the internet" but instead people can't get along an accept other peoples opinions. Or no one realizes this is the internet, you're not supposed to take things seriously, if someone who is "new" to this site posts something, they are beaten down, if someone has been on the site forever, they are treated with respect and kindness. Honestly KHV, if you think that people on this section of KHV are newbish, you should see the actual Kingdom Hearts parts of this fourm, I swear to god its newbish that its almost laughable, but I'm not one to judge if someone is new or old because we were all new at one time, it doesn't matter if someone is new or old, remember, the people we're talking to, we don't even know, we've never met them in person, so really, give them a break, they don't know how so and so acts, they don't know what their life is like, you know what people come on here for? Fun, they want to have other people's opinions on something, not drama, but that's what seems to be starting these days. KHV is just a hypocrite.
Because 90 percent of KHV is becoming full of hipsters.
I'm not going to request to lock this thread because its not a day old, but if its still up for tomorrow and people are still throwing a fit about everything I say, than yes, yes I will. Oh...god I'm impatient. Oh and by the way, I think I've found a video that better describes this thread Burnt Face Man= Me http://youtu.be/luPGzVtLxq0?t=4m28s
I have to reply to people, its how I roll. I have a message to people who have a problem with it: Deal with it.
Does Francis like anything? I've always wondered this
Ok, changed. Oh and BTW, I'll start tomorrow :3 EDIT 3: Horribly Photoshopped profile picture: A-GO-GO! (If anyone can edit this to make it better, please feel free :D)
Ok than, its official: Username: Psychonautsmaster Character of Choice: Etna Picture(optional): Spoiler Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Disgaea Additional Info: Etna is one of Laharl's vassals, though she's not very trustworthy (and from time to time, secretly tries to come up with little things that she hopes will kill Laharl, but always fail) she is the main commander of the prinnies and has traveled both with Laharl and by herself. She's selfish and spoiled and rude, she's counted sometimes for being even more rude than Laharl. Her purpose in life is to prove that she is the "ultimate beauty queen". BONUS: Etan also gets 2 Prinnies to travel with her, these Prinnies can be played by anyone, if you feel like including them in whatever you have to say in the RP, go ahead, but they must only played when Etna is around. If one of you guys feels like being nice, please tell me what's going on so far in this RP, thanks :3
You saying this makes me want to make another Dolan joke.
Exactly! I knew I wasn't the only one who thought this. Oh those fags, sorry my mistake.
Perfect: Spoiler I'll most likely take Etna (2 prinnies included) to join Laharl, now we just need someone to be Flonne and it'll be complete.