OOC: sorry meant to say Mya and Shia, not Chi and Sora BIC: Mark walked over to Mya, "So where did the attack happen?" he asked her, as Hwaje walked over, and laid down, his eyes looking around, as he sniffed the air. OOC: I also have to go now, bye
Hwaje and John followed Mya and Shia to Mya's house, and Hwaje dived in for a landing, you don't think it could have been Mutatio venom, right? Hwaje sighlently asked Mark. Mark shook his head, "I hope not," he said quietly so Chi wouldn't hear.
Eventus looked shocked for a moment, "umm.... how did you- nevermind, I don't want to know," he said, then ran off down to the hanger area, looking for at least one undamaged ship.
OOC: It is only a basic teritory map, showing the general areas of the kingdoms, whenever I have time I will go back to photoshop and refine it, maybe add some geographic details, I just wanted that approved before I went all-out on it. BTW: I have to go soon, might not reply. BIC: Mark looked at her, "lets head back to your place, and see if we can find that arrow, then I'll check it for poisons," he said.
Mark looked closly at it, "this type of arrow head is usaly used by fire nation assasins, and usaly have some sort of poison on them," he said, studying the wound closly.
OOC: Does this work? (blue=water, yellow=lightning, brown=earth, light green=wind, red=fire, and gray is the ruins) BIC: Mark walked over, and gently grabbed her arm, "what type of weapon left this wound?" he asked, trying to look at it.
Mark nodded, "yeah, I'm fine with that," he said, then he noticed the spot on her arm where it got hit by the arrow, "what happened there?" he asked.
Joshua pointed to the center of town, "because this city wasn't attacked from the outside, something from the inside exploded, and that is what wiped it out," he said, walking towards the town square.
OOC: O_o but then... how did we get from the water kingdom, to the fire kingdom, and back to the water kingdom in one day? you should realy make a map of this place... to avoid confusion. BIC: Mark nodded, "right, remember to be up by sun rise," he said.
Zexion took the book, and his eyes widened when he saw the writing on the cover, "it's written in old paleoithic! It's been years since I've seen a book this old! I'll get right to it!" he shouted in exitment, and ran over to the metal desk in the corner of the room, his head already buried in the book. A flying training drone flew by Xigbar, shooting stun bolts, Xigbar casualy shot it, man training level one sucks, why did the nobody atendent tell me I had to go through all the levels before trying out the extremly uber hard senario? He wondered to himself, as he adavanced to level two, then three, then four, and so on.
After dinner, Krystal headed back to the gummi ship, and Mark went and checked out the shops in town, buying some supplies, and talked to a few of the Moogles. He later went back to the ship. "Hey Krystal, the next world you wanted to head to was Radiant garden, right?" he asked. Krystal nodded, "yeah, I've always wanted to see the battlefeild of the thousand heartless wars," she answered. "Well then, that's where we are going, I heard that they have a good armor shop there, and traverse town didn't have too much in the way of body armor," he said, starting up the warp drive.
Mark nodded, "we need to prepare for the journey, we will have to sleep on the fly in order to pass through to the very edge of the world in time," he said. OOC: In my mind's eye, I see the dragon kingdoms with the water kingdom on the eastern edge and the Earth kingdom on the western edge, the wind kingdom to the far north, and the fire to the far south, with lighting in the middle of it all, does that work out for the RP?
Eventus just starred her in the eye, then he sighed, "whoever invented the saying: all is black and white, they were wrong, dead wrong," he said.
Mark sheathed his twin short swords on his back, "ok then, we can probably make it to the western edge of the Earth kingdom by the third day, but I doubt that we can outfly a lightning dragon," he said.
Kouri ice skated to next to Arkane, "I have an idea about how to defeat this thing!" she yelled upwards to Arkane's massive wolf head, "just keep it in place the next time it attacks you!"
OOC: thats why I like laptops, and I have to go, last post of the night. BIC: Mark turned to her, "are you sure?" he asked, "and I still think that armor makes her look fat."
Eventus looked Xiam in the eyes, "but my question to you is, why do you want to get Phisoxa, she did help save my life when my ship was adrift, and Toxober is the one who made sure that my ship ended up that way, and you were helping Toxober, so that means you're an enemy, untill proven inocent," he said.
OOC: I knew, I just wanted to use it because I had Axel's favorite saying stuck in my head. BIC: Hwaje growled and snorted some fire out of his nose, but not enough to attack with, black rider, black one is near, he warned again. Mark just starred after the two bounty hunters.
Eventus didn't lose focus, "all I need to know is that you were helping Toxober, and the freind of my enemy is my enemy," he said. Eventus ran forward and slashed at Xiam's face.
Mark turned to Kaden, "don't worry, we'll be ready for you," he said coldly, "and that body armor makes you look fat."