Mark looked at Mya, "oh, so you think it's funny, huh? At least you don't have to turn into a boy," he said. Hwaje let out a growl of laughter.
Yuffie yawned, that was a good nap! she thought, as she walked through Hollow bastion, I wonder where everyone is? She thought again. Yuffie kept walking until she saw a strange boy just suddenly pop out of nowhere, "Hey!, who are you?" she called out to him. Genservant stood up on shaky legs, he had just appeared next to a giant citadell, then he heard a girl's voice, he spun around to see a teenage girl, who looked like she was dressed up as a ninja, he smirked, "and what the heck are you supposed to be?" he asked her.
Mark looked at Mya, "well, it looks like you are going to have a twin sister for awhile," he said, "with you producing that toxin, I've most likely been infected, and I'll turn into you the next time I sleep."
Mark Johnson lay on his bed, looking at the blank celling, an open textbook sat on the nightstand, "Dang it, I hate phycology," he muttered, as the clock on the wall ticked away. Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Mark began to place his breaths in time to the clock, and eventualy fell asleep.
Eventus looked over to see Crystal, "what do you want?" he tried to say as nicely as possible, "I kinda have to take off soon, so speak up."
Neco grinned a savage grin, and wiped the blood off his face, "you're going to be that way, right Josh? So why don't I just wrench what you know out of your mind by force," with those words, a cloud of darkness swarmed around Josh, and then went into his ears, mouth, and nose, infecting his brain. Joshua walked over to the other car, which had a pile of ashes in the driver's seat, "the explosion might not have happend for a few feet, but the energy released still disitigrated the bodies," he said.
Poke yourself! lol :poke:
Mark sighed, "well, that's not good for me then," he said, "by now I'll have been infected by you." Hwaje walked over and looked at Mark, it'll only be for a few days, don't worry, he privatly said to Mark.
Joshua walked over to the remains of a car crash, it seemed untouched by the explosion, "I belive that someone with power, imense power, was killed in this accident, and when they died, they unleashed allmost all of their power at once," he said.
Mark nodded, "yes, but unfourtunatly the toxin actualy would already be in production, that is, if you have been poisoned," he said, "why don't you have Shia to check to see if it is the poison or not?" he asked.
Mark looked at her, "your transformation won't be very noticable, it will just have your body start producing a toxin that will turn anyone who breathes it into a physical copy of you, and the toxin that you produce will stop coming after about five hours," he said.
Mark shook his head, "the toxin only does two things, the first is that it changes colors under a dragon's fire, and the second is that if you have it in your bloodstream when you sleep, you will transform," he said.
Mark shook his head, "the effects don't start to show until after the victom falls asleep, and then it isn't anything that you would expect," he said.
Mark sighed, "if it is, and I hope it isn't, it would be the Mutatio toxin, which is rare due to the fact that it doesn't kill, but it has other, rather nasty, side effects," he said.
Mark looked at the arowhead closely, it had a red stain from where it had hit Mya. He was about to say that it didn't look like poison, until he noticed that there was a clear liquid coating it. "Umm... Mya, I'm not sure if this is poison or not, it could only be one type if it is though," he said, holding the arrow out to her.
Kouri came to the surface, drenched with water, and stading on top of a miniture glacier that she had created. "Blasted beast," she muttered, and began to freeze the water around the creature, trying to hold it in place.
Mark looked closely at her wound, "it looks like it could possibly be poisoned, but I'm not sure, I'm going to have to see the arrow that shot you first," he said.
Eventus finaly found a gummi ship that was undamaged, on the far side of the hanger from Phisoxa's battle. When he ran over to it, and climbed in, he took a quick look at the type, a smaller, lower powered, but faster and more manuverable fighter type, similar to the type the sky force on his home world used. "This should be easy," he muttered, as he climbed into the cockpit.
Joshua shook his head, and walked to the very center of the town, where it appeared that nothing had happened, for a 20 foot diameter circle, the street was just like it should have been, save for what looked like the wreckage of a head-on collision, "no, bombs don't leave blank spaces," he said.
Kouri was hit by the water, and thrown into the air, but she quickly began to use her power to freeze the water, stopping any more from hitting her, and fell to the water below.