oh... I just watched a video about Roxas and Axel, it was very touching, do you want a link to it?
Mark smiled, "dragons have a way with saving lives," he said, laughing, "between the two of us, we are both life-debted to dragons, and I have heard plenty of tales where a dragon saves someone's life, it is in their nature."
The small gummi ship came out of Warp space, the world of Radiant Garden appeared in the veiw screen, "landing," Mark said, from the cockpit, and the ship decended to the world below.
Mark grinned, and laid back on the matress on the floor, "I told you my long story, didn't I?" he asked, looking her in the eye.
Mark grinned, "so why don't you start now? Y'know, so I can act the part in case I do end up as you in the morning," he said, winking at her.
why are you quote: "so freaking mad"?
Mark looked at her in a kind-of weird way, "you have known me for, what, a day? I wouldn't expect you to know everything about me."
Mark smiled, and without looking away from Mya began to spin the box rapidly through his hands, and his eyes slowly closed, as his hands began to try every possible combination.
lol... realy?
Mark looked at it, "hmm... I used to find that type of thing when I was living on the streets, they are rather popular in the fire nation," he said, "so could I try it to remind me of my home?"
Mark walked over to her, and looked at he white box, "what's this?" he asked her. Outside Hwaje rolled over in his sleep, then he began to snore.
Mark laughed, "don't you remember, I was going to turn into you, I would just wear your clothes,"he said, then looked somber, "thanks for remembering about the light dragon blood," he said.
Mark nodded, then yawned, "man, it's getting late, and know that I'm not going to wake up as a girl in the morning, I think I should hit the hay," he said.
Joshua shook his head, "no, by the nature of this explosion, it shows that the person involved never used her powers, that she didn't even know they were there. As for who this was, her name was Miranda," he said.
Mark looked at her, "hmm... I don't realy care," he said. Hwaje let out a big yawn and curled up on the ground outside.
Mark looked up, "oh, right, forgot," he said, then looked around, "I think that the last of the airborne toxin is gone now," he said, and took a big drink of the Light dragon blood.
Zexion read through the book, it spoke about how kingdom hearts was everything, how an anchient civilization had sought to calim it's powers, the Nephilim they were called. The Nephilim were an extreamly advanced species, they had strange inventions the likes of which our time has never seen, Starships the size of worlds, with engines the size of a walnut. But the Nephilim had learned of Kingdom hearts, and they wanted to do anything to seize it's power. They began to geneticaly alter themselves, using a strange substance they found in the dark realm, and soon they had become monsters. They sought kingdom hearts to use it's power for peace, but transformed themselves into destructive, mindless monsters, they destroyed great swaths of the universe, worlds ended in flashes of darkness. The other great civilizations were no match, it took an entire fleet of their warships to destroy a single nephilim, and the great warp space war broke out, trillions died, the great civilizations blinked out one by one. until only one civilization remained, an un-advanced civilization, with no techology to speak of. A superstious race known as humanity, they had only one world. But the humans had a great faith, a belif that they would overcome the darkness, and be rewarded with light. And because of this faith, this belif in what was right, Kingdom Hearts chose to bless this civilization with the one thing that could destroy Nephilim, mistical swords known as Keyblades, every single on of the million humans had one, and the great war accended to a climax, the humans in numbers far greater than the Nephilim rose up, every man, woman, and child bore their blades in the great battle of earth, and the Nephilim were defeated.
Mark nodded, "now that I think of it, I do remember hearing that legend," he said, "but how in the world did you get your hands on Light Dragon blood?"
Mark looked at the flask, "realy, and where did you get this?" he asked, intrigued, "the last I knew, this was a poison under development in the fire nation, and there was no cure, you just had to wait for the effects to reverse themselves."
I got hypnotized on youtube, it felt realy good, it got rid of all my stress.