sorry 4 the late responce
sorry foregot to come check the group
okay thanks
jeny;im going to explode stuff now..........
demy: yay!! dib:jus shut up demyx!im tryin to listen! demy:u hurt my feelings!*crying*
hey wats up?
xion:shut up!!u wanna fight or wat?!/!
xion:in a pile of xibar's dirty clothes
jeny:dont move! it'll be ruined!
wow when i saw that video,im like who makes a big deal u didnt get so u hat alyson stoner jus cuz that, but i dont hate her she one of my favs
jeny:okay! :3
jeny:i drew on your face when u were asleep :3
jheny:uh thanks not jewish i was about to finsh the game
hey thanks 4 the friend request :)
jeny:*plays video games*
its okay i logged off after i sent the measge
hey wats up
someone catch me up
larxene:so wats going on