"are you ok?" Anna asked worried "you seem realy sad"
*Christopher stood sighlently*
ooc: ZC is saveing the boys that got cought
*Tears went down Christopher's face* ooc: Rax is being mean
*Anna pointed*
"I can't be anyones friend...I'm dead remember!?!"
"huh?" he asked confused ooc: huh?
*they noded*
"well if you feal that way then you wont minde if I leave to fight Corin by myself" He said starting to walk away
"what do you meen..."
"I'm Erin" he said "I'm Anna and are you sure you're ok?" she asked
"no" they both said "are you ok?" Anna asked Nox
*Christopher looked down*
"oh" they both said
*Christopher flung him*
*he didn't let go*- "Don't talk about me like I'm roting in the ground dead!"
*Anna started healing her*
"I think" Erin said "who are you?" Anna asked
*Christopher grabed him by the coler of the shirt and lifted him into the air*
"I have a score to settel with him!"